At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, we believe that there must be sound partnerships between home and school for children to succeed – both are seen as providing a vital and supportive environment for children.
At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, parent and community engagement is acknowledged, valued and fundamental to our mission of education in a Catholic faith community.
As a Catholic school, we recognise the importance of collaborating and engaging in dialogue with families, parish, other schools and the wider community to enhance the aspirations and outcomes for all students and families.
We strongly encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education through some of the avenues listed below:
- Attending information sessions related to your child’s learning.
- Being a classroom helper.
- Being active in our Parents and Friends association.
- Attending weekly Whole School Prayer at school, and Parish Masses.
- Joining in special events such as Book Day or the end of year picnic.
- Attending our entertaining fortnightly assemblies.
- Attending social events run by the Parents and Friends.
- Reading the weekly newsletter and discussing school activities with your children.
- Communicating regularly in your child’s diary.
- Attending the Parent Information Sessions at the beginning of the year.
- Attending Parent/Teacher/Student Learning Conversations.
- Taking an interest in your child’s homework.
Communication through newsletters, the St Thomas More School app, open days, assemblies and staff–home forums, as well as the onsite interactions and involvement, are all planned with the specific purpose of building and strengthening the home-school partnership.